Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How and Not Always Where.

Even the most seasoned lovers come upon a dry spell or two from time to time. Especially this time of year, the busy Christmas season approaching it's easy to loose the great sex life as stress can be a love life killer.

I could suggest buying a vibrator but that's not the route I'm talking about.. Great sex is so much more then “stick it and click it” from a vibrator, involving the whole mind and psyche is the true road to spectacular sex.

"To discover real-world sex tips, read the blog of a sex educator. Professionals know what it takes for the body and mind to flow together into full seduction, instead of offering up simple sex tips like “lick the nipples”, they offer complete stories, perspectives and specific examples putting their ideas in motion. An example of an excellent tip complete with guide for the mind."

Another side benefit of reading such long winded stories? It's kind of arousing so the body prepares itself for hot sex without you needing to touch yourself first. Again it proves arose of the mind is one of the most important steps for better sex.This is different instead of telling you WHERE to do it, I'm giving you ideas on HOW to do it. Sometimes a refresher is a good thing!

This year, skip the Cosmo sex tips and go for what a professional has to say. Why not make that your new years resolution? It's a fun one (much more fun then weight loss resolutions anyway!) Have a Merry Christmas!